Sunday, February 16, 2014


I thought I could get pregnant during the holidays but unfortunately, little red riding hood just got to come at the wrong time. My menses were regular for the last 3 months. This time, it came a week earlier. I was so annoyed and upset.

Back to work today with a heavy heart. Honestly, I'm very lazy and not in the mood to work anymore. I just want to rest at home while TTC. But I cannot depend merely on my hubby's income. I have to work too, to be financially stabilize. With the upcoming treatment on hand (if I still couldn't conceive by end April).

Hubby just started his new job today. Goodbye to his night shifts. I am no longer lonely at night. On the other hand though, he won't be accompanying me to upcoming checkups. Now he works morning shifts and all checkups are during office hours. It's ok. I need to be independent.

I still have 2 months of TTC naturally. I really hope within these 2 months, there's a little someone in my tum tum. In Shaa Allah. :)