Sunday, February 16, 2014


I thought I could get pregnant during the holidays but unfortunately, little red riding hood just got to come at the wrong time. My menses were regular for the last 3 months. This time, it came a week earlier. I was so annoyed and upset.

Back to work today with a heavy heart. Honestly, I'm very lazy and not in the mood to work anymore. I just want to rest at home while TTC. But I cannot depend merely on my hubby's income. I have to work too, to be financially stabilize. With the upcoming treatment on hand (if I still couldn't conceive by end April).

Hubby just started his new job today. Goodbye to his night shifts. I am no longer lonely at night. On the other hand though, he won't be accompanying me to upcoming checkups. Now he works morning shifts and all checkups are during office hours. It's ok. I need to be independent.

I still have 2 months of TTC naturally. I really hope within these 2 months, there's a little someone in my tum tum. In Shaa Allah. :) 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Sorry for the lack of updates. Busy with work and also TTC (trying to conceive)

Went to consult the doctor today, he told me that my two ovaries are weak thus not producing eggs.
He advises to reduce my sugar intakes as well as oily foods. Loose more weight and eat healthily.

I was deeply sad. I already reduce my sugar and oily foods, exercise regularly and eat more veges, took multivitamins but to no avail. He said to try for another 4 months naturally and if by 30th April I'm still unable to conceive naturally, then he will refer me to the KKIVF Centre for further treatments.

The two options are IUI or IVF. IVF success rates are much higher than IUI. I went online to forums on IVF & IUI. Most tried 3 or more IUIs but failed and eventually did IVF and succeeded.

Since i still have 3 more months to ttc naturally, I will have to put aside some of my savings for the fertility treatment which I know cost a bomb. On top of that, I'll be going for a 10 days holiday in Philippine with my dear hubby in February. Hope we can make baby during our holiday. In Shaa Allah. :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hi Readers,

I have decided to change my checkups to KKH instead of NUH. I heard from friends that KKH doctors are better. Well, after much consideration, my husband & I decides to go KKH.

Today was our first consultation, we waited 1.5 hours for our turn. The doctor briefly introduced herself. She then questioned me if I've been pregnant before and etc etc. I couldn't remember her name!

She then checked my vagina using a speculum. She inserted her fingers to check for idk what. But she said all looks normal. She want to retrieve reports from NUH but some reports she couldn't thus I have to go for another uterus scanning 2 January. Did a blood test today and the results will be together with the scanning next year.

I really hope KKH could do something about me. Really hoping that I could conceive by end of 2014. :(

Monday, November 25, 2013


Hi Readers!

Gosh! I'm very emotional!

I don't know why but I always have this jealous feelings whenever I found out that a friend, relative or even a stranger is pregnant. Like why it's so easy for others to get pregnant, and why it's so difficult for me. I feel so lousy! Sigh...

Even the doctors at NUH were not very concern about my condition. Every checkup they will say that I'm still very young and that I still have more years to conceive and bla bla bla.

Sometimes, I will cry myself to sleep. At times, I have mood swings and I will throw tantrums towards my husband. :(

I don't know what to do already. I did use the ovulation test kit but it's always negative. We had intercourse 3 times a week. I eat healthy foods and exercise 4 times a week. What else? :(

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Hi Readers!

Well, nothing's change! My menses are still irregular. I'm very distraught! I really want to get pregnant again! My husband kept saying that it's ok and he's willing to wait. But I know deep inside him, he too wants to have his own kids soon. :(

Readers, actually me & my husband are 15 years apart. He's 38 & I'm 23. I know I may be young and people would usually say, I'm still young what... But my concern is my husband. I mean he's reaching 40 in 2 years time. I don't want him to be 40++ and I still could not conceive yet.

Anyways, I did a Uterus Scanning last week to find if there's anything wrong internally. The results was normal. Nothing serious or major. And we had a PAP Smear test too. Results was also normal.
Doctor concluded that it might be hormones changes. She told me that it might be the weight I've put on. Maybe just maybe. I was 65kg and now i'm 75kg. Whopping 10kg increases! She told me to loose weight and eat more healthy foods & veges.

I'm trying my very best to eat healthy and exercise regular. -.-

Friday, July 19, 2013


Hi Readers!

I'm still unable to conceive to date. :(

My menses are giving me so much pressure! Bleeding for more than 14 days. Crazy!
I also did a pregnancy test to check if I was pregnant. But it was negative.
It's been going on like this since early April 2013. Doctor gave me Norethisterone to stop the bleeding completely. It must be taken 1 pill, twice a day for 3 weeks and off pills for one week. And repeat if for 3 months. Doctor said, after 3 months of my menses 'might' return back to normal.

But it did not! It's repeating again and it's very annoying! So the doctor increases the amount to 2 pills, twice a day for 3 weeks and off pills for one week and repeat it for 3 months. AGAIN!?!

Well, I'll have to see if it works this time round. *cross fingers*

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hello Readers!

3 months have passed since that very unfortunate day.

Went back to work with a heavy heart. I know I must not think about it anymore but I just can't. It's a painful experience. You'll never know how it feels like loosing a child, especially if it's your first baby.

Anyway, during these 3 month, hubby & I have to prevent from sexual intercourse. Doctor advise to rest my body for 3 months. After that, I can try again. I know it must be hard from hubby. But for my health sake, he's willing to sacrifice.

I'm going for a holiday in Philippine in May. In dire need of a vacation! I deserved a good quality time with my husband. And I hope & pray that I can conceive during the holidays! ;)