Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Hi Readers!

Well, nothing's change! My menses are still irregular. I'm very distraught! I really want to get pregnant again! My husband kept saying that it's ok and he's willing to wait. But I know deep inside him, he too wants to have his own kids soon. :(

Readers, actually me & my husband are 15 years apart. He's 38 & I'm 23. I know I may be young and people would usually say, I'm still young what... But my concern is my husband. I mean he's reaching 40 in 2 years time. I don't want him to be 40++ and I still could not conceive yet.

Anyways, I did a Uterus Scanning last week to find if there's anything wrong internally. The results was normal. Nothing serious or major. And we had a PAP Smear test too. Results was also normal.
Doctor concluded that it might be hormones changes. She told me that it might be the weight I've put on. Maybe just maybe. I was 65kg and now i'm 75kg. Whopping 10kg increases! She told me to loose weight and eat more healthy foods & veges.

I'm trying my very best to eat healthy and exercise regular. -.-

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